A downloadable game for Windows

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Hey, What the Hell is This?

This game was created for the Ridiculous Games Contest 2022 on the Slime Salad forum. The theme of the contest was to create an homage to a member of the OHRRPGCE community. I chose Charbile, who's been a great inspiration to me when it comes to putting heart and love into games. If this game and its content makes no sense to you, this is why. 

How to Play

This game is a top down hack-n-slash. Use your abilities wisely to avoid the mass of bullets that enemies spew all over the screen. 

  • You have melee attacks! (Z) These don't deal much damage but are useful while your ranged ammo is reloading. 
  • You have ranged attacks! (X) They deal more damage than melee attacks, but after you use up your ammo, it takes some time to reload. (When using a controller, you can hold L2 to hold still and aim without moving.)
  • You can dash! (LShift) You move twice as fast, and take no damage while dashing. You only have 2 charges that each take a moment to recover, so don't overuse it!
  • You can cry! (C) This move is actually pretty useless. While crying, you take no damage, but you also can't move.


You can upgrade various stats by defeating enemies, and this can increase your damage, movement speed, or recharge/reload rate. 

Note: The game has only been thoroughly tested with a PlayStation 5 controller. Other gamepads should work, but may have mapping issues. 

The Code is Free to Steal!

That's right! You can go ahead on over to the GitHub repository and clone it to your heart's content. Here's the catch, though: This game was made using the OHRRPGCE and programmed in its scripting language, hspeak. Also, I wrote most of it in a fugue state while trying to come up with new puns on the name Charbile, so good luck finding any of it useful!




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cha.zip 9.2 MB

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